A GIRL left "very disabled" after her brain was starved of oxygen during her delivery at Southmead Hospital has won a multi-million-pound damages settlement.
The 12-year-old, who is from Bristol but cannot be named for legal reasons, was left with severe cerebral palsy after suffering hypoxia – severe oxygen deprivation – during her birth in 1999.
Now cared for by her wider family because her mother was "not coping" with her disabilities, a case was brought on the girl's behalf against North Bristol NHS Trust, which runs the hospital, claiming medical negligence led to her injuries.
The trust had disputed liability but yesterday at the High Court in London it apologised for what happened and agreed to pay the girl a £2.44 million lump sum, plus annual, index-linked and tax-free payments to cover the cost of her care, for £102,000 per year until she turns 20 and £165,000-a-year thereafter.
Margaret Bowron QC, for the trust, said: "An apology has already been given to the family but I would like to say again how truly sorry my clients are for the injuries that this little girl received."
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