Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Store staff's hall revamp delights children

A KINGSWOOD pre-school has been given a new lease of life after staff from a local supermarket revamped the hall where they meet.

During half term the staff from Sainsbury's at Kings Chase Shopping Centre came into New Cheltenham Hall to do some work for Southey Pre-School.

They re-painted the walls and glossed the doors, re-boarded some walls which were in bad condition and bought some blackboard paint to create a chalk board for the children.

They also bought new curtain poles and curtains, and provided bacon rolls, biscuits and cakes for everyone involved.

Angela Prendergrast from the pre-school said: "None of this work has come at any cost to Southey Pre-School, a few of us have helped with the work but it was all organised and paid for by Sainsbury's at Kings Chase.

"There are plans in the future for them to help with our garden too. Sainsbury's are currently sponsoring us as their local charity and we are so grateful for everything that they have done."

Store staff's hall revamp delights children

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